Package-level declarations


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data class AuditConfigArgs(val auditLogConfigs: Output<List<AuditLogConfigArgs>>? = null, val service: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<AuditConfigArgs>

Specifies the audit configuration for a service. The configuration determines which permission types are logged, and what identities, if any, are exempted from logging. An AuditConfig must have one or more AuditLogConfigs. If there are AuditConfigs for both allServices and a specific service, the union of the two AuditConfigs is used for that service: the log_types specified in each AuditConfig are enabled, and the exempted_members in each AuditLogConfig are exempted. Example Policy with multiple AuditConfigs: { "audit_configs": [ { "service": "allServices", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" }, { "log_type": "ADMIN_READ" } ] }, { "service": "", "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE", "exempted_members": "" } ] } ] } For sampleservice, this policy enables DATA_READ, DATA_WRITE and ADMIN_READ logging. It also exempts from DATA_READ logging, and from DATA_WRITE logging.

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data class AuditLogConfigArgs(val exemptedMembers: Output<List<String>>? = null, val logType: Output<AuditLogConfigLogType>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<AuditLogConfigArgs>

Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions. Example: { "audit_log_configs": [ { "log_type": "DATA_READ", "exempted_members": "" }, { "log_type": "DATA_WRITE" } ] } This enables 'DATA_READ' and 'DATA_WRITE' logging, while exempting from DATA_READ logging.

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data class AutoscalingLimitsArgs(val maxServeNodes: Output<Int>, val minServeNodes: Output<Int>) : ConvertibleToJava<AutoscalingLimitsArgs>

Limits for the number of nodes a Cluster can autoscale up/down to.

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data class AutoscalingTargetsArgs(val cpuUtilizationPercent: Output<Int>? = null, val storageUtilizationGibPerNode: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<AutoscalingTargetsArgs>

The Autoscaling targets for a Cluster. These determine the recommended nodes.

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data class BindingArgs(val condition: Output<ExprArgs>? = null, val members: Output<List<String>>? = null, val role: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<BindingArgs>

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class ClusterAutoscalingConfigArgs(val autoscalingLimits: Output<AutoscalingLimitsArgs>, val autoscalingTargets: Output<AutoscalingTargetsArgs>) : ConvertibleToJava<ClusterAutoscalingConfigArgs>

Autoscaling config for a cluster.

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data class ClusterConfigArgs(val clusterAutoscalingConfig: Output<ClusterAutoscalingConfigArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ClusterConfigArgs>

Configuration for a cluster.

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data class EncryptionConfigArgs(val kmsKeyName: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<EncryptionConfigArgs>

Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) settings for a CMEK-protected cluster.

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data class ExprArgs(val description: Output<String>? = null, val expression: Output<String>? = null, val location: Output<String>? = null, val title: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ExprArgs>

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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Builder for ExprArgs.

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data class GetAppProfilePlainArgs(val appProfileId: String, val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetAppProfilePlainArgs>
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data class GetBackupPlainArgs(val backupId: String, val clusterId: String, val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetBackupPlainArgs>
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data class GetClusterPlainArgs(val clusterId: String, val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetClusterPlainArgs>
data class GetInstanceClusterBackupIamPolicyPlainArgs(val backupId: String, val clusterId: String, val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetInstanceClusterBackupIamPolicyPlainArgs>
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data class GetInstanceIamPolicyPlainArgs(val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetInstanceIamPolicyPlainArgs>
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data class GetInstancePlainArgs(val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetInstancePlainArgs>
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data class GetInstanceTableIamPolicyPlainArgs(val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null, val tableId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetInstanceTableIamPolicyPlainArgs>
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data class GetTablePlainArgs(val instanceId: String, val project: String? = null, val tableId: String, val view: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetTablePlainArgs>
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data class MultiClusterRoutingUseAnyArgs(val clusterIds: Output<List<String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<MultiClusterRoutingUseAnyArgs>

Read/write requests are routed to the nearest cluster in the instance, and will fail over to the nearest cluster that is available in the event of transient errors or delays. Clusters in a region are considered equidistant. Choosing this option sacrifices read-your-writes consistency to improve availability.

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data class SingleClusterRoutingArgs(val allowTransactionalWrites: Output<Boolean>? = null, val clusterId: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SingleClusterRoutingArgs>

Unconditionally routes all read/write requests to a specific cluster. This option preserves read-your-writes consistency but does not improve availability.

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data class SplitArgs(val key: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SplitArgs>

An initial split point for a newly created table.

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Builder for SplitArgs.

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data class TableStatsArgs(val averageCellsPerColumn: Output<Double>? = null, val averageColumnsPerRow: Output<Double>? = null, val logicalDataBytes: Output<String>? = null, val rowCount: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<TableStatsArgs>

Approximate statistics related to a table. These statistics are calculated infrequently, while simultaneously, data in the table can change rapidly. Thus the values reported here (e.g. row count) are very likely out-of date, even the instant they are received in this API. Thus, only treat these values as approximate. IMPORTANT: Everything below is approximate, unless otherwise specified.

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