
data class TableStatsArgs(val averageCellsPerColumn: Output<Double>? = null, val averageColumnsPerRow: Output<Double>? = null, val logicalDataBytes: Output<String>? = null, val rowCount: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<TableStatsArgs>

Approximate statistics related to a table. These statistics are calculated infrequently, while simultaneously, data in the table can change rapidly. Thus the values reported here (e.g. row count) are very likely out-of date, even the instant they are received in this API. Thus, only treat these values as approximate. IMPORTANT: Everything below is approximate, unless otherwise specified.


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fun TableStatsArgs(averageCellsPerColumn: Output<Double>? = null, averageColumnsPerRow: Output<Double>? = null, logicalDataBytes: Output<String>? = null, rowCount: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): TableStatsArgs


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val averageCellsPerColumn: Output<Double>? = null

How many cells are present per column (column family, column qualifier) combinations, averaged over all columns in all rows in the table. e.g. A table with 2 rows: * A row with 3 cells in "family:col" and 1 cell in "other:col" (4 cells / 2 columns) * A row with 1 cell in "family:col", 7 cells in "family:other_col", and 7 cells in "other:data" (15 cells / 3 columns) would report (4 + 15)/(2 + 3) = 3.8 in this field.

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val averageColumnsPerRow: Output<Double>? = null

How many (column family, column qualifier) combinations are present per row in the table, averaged over all rows in the table. e.g. A table with 2 rows: * A row with cells in "family:col" and "other:col" (2 distinct columns) * A row with cells in "family:col", "family:other_col", and "other:data" (3 distinct columns) would report (2 + 3)/2 = 2.5 in this field.

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val logicalDataBytes: Output<String>? = null

This is roughly how many bytes would be needed to read the entire table (e.g. by streaming all contents out).

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val rowCount: Output<String>? = null

How many rows are in the table.