
data class GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1BudgetAmountArgs(val lastPeriodAmount: Output<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1LastPeriodAmountArgs>? = null, val specifiedAmount: Output<GoogleTypeMoneyArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1BudgetAmountArgs>

The budgeted amount for each usage period.



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open override fun toJava(): GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1BudgetAmountArgs


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Use the last period's actual spend as the budget for the present period. LastPeriodAmount can only be set when the budget's time period is a Filter.calendar_period. It cannot be set in combination with Filter.custom_period.

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A specified amount to use as the budget. currency_code is optional. If specified when creating a budget, it must match the currency of the billing account. If specified when updating a budget, it must match the currency_code of the existing budget. The currency_code is provided on output.