Crypto Key Version Response
data class CryptoKeyVersionResponse(val algorithm: String, val attestation: KeyOperationAttestationResponse, val createTime: String, val destroyEventTime: String, val destroyTime: String, val externalDestructionFailureReason: String, val externalProtectionLevelOptions: ExternalProtectionLevelOptionsResponse, val generateTime: String, val generationFailureReason: String, val importFailureReason: String, val importJob: String, val importTime: String, val name: String, val protectionLevel: String, val reimportEligible: Boolean, val state: String)
A CryptoKeyVersion represents an individual cryptographic key, and the associated key material. An ENABLED version can be used for cryptographic operations. For security reasons, the raw cryptographic key material represented by a CryptoKeyVersion can never be viewed or exported. It can only be used to encrypt, decrypt, or sign data when an authorized user or application invokes Cloud KMS.
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fun CryptoKeyVersionResponse(algorithm: String, attestation: KeyOperationAttestationResponse, createTime: String, destroyEventTime: String, destroyTime: String, externalDestructionFailureReason: String, externalProtectionLevelOptions: ExternalProtectionLevelOptionsResponse, generateTime: String, generationFailureReason: String, importFailureReason: String, importJob: String, importTime: String, name: String, protectionLevel: String, reimportEligible: Boolean, state: String)