
data class AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesArgs(val guestAccelerators: Output<List<AcceleratorConfigArgs>>? = null, val localSsds: Output<List<AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDiskArgs>>? = null, val locationHint: Output<String>? = null, val machineType: Output<String>? = null, val maintenanceFreezeDurationHours: Output<Int>? = null, val maintenanceInterval: Output<AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesMaintenanceInterval>? = null, val minCpuPlatform: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesArgs>

Properties of the SKU instances being reserved. Next ID: 9


fun AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesArgs(guestAccelerators: Output<List<AcceleratorConfigArgs>>? = null, localSsds: Output<List<AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDiskArgs>>? = null, locationHint: Output<String>? = null, machineType: Output<String>? = null, maintenanceFreezeDurationHours: Output<Int>? = null, maintenanceInterval: Output<AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesMaintenanceInterval>? = null, minCpuPlatform: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesArgs


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Specifies accelerator type and count.

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Specifies amount of local ssd to reserve with each instance. The type of disk is local-ssd.

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val locationHint: Output<String>? = null

An opaque location hint used to place the allocation close to other resources. This field is for use by internal tools that use the public API.

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val machineType: Output<String>? = null

Specifies type of machine (name only) which has fixed number of vCPUs and fixed amount of memory. This also includes specifying custom machine type following custom-NUMBER_OF_CPUS-AMOUNT_OF_MEMORY pattern.

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val maintenanceFreezeDurationHours: Output<Int>? = null

Specifies the number of hours after reservation creation where instances using the reservation won't be scheduled for maintenance.

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Specifies the frequency of planned maintenance events. The accepted values are: PERIODIC.

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val minCpuPlatform: Output<String>? = null

Minimum cpu platform the reservation.