
@JvmName(name = "cdpbmuctgjtvuyqp")
suspend fun matchRules(value: Output<List<HttpRouteRuleMatchArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "pucvlnpjjmsmqvtn")
suspend fun matchRules(value: List<HttpRouteRuleMatchArgs>?)



The list of criteria for matching attributes of a request to this routeRule. This list has OR semantics: the request matches this routeRule when any of the matchRules are satisfied. However predicates within a given matchRule have AND semantics. All predicates within a matchRule must match for the request to match the rule.

@JvmName(name = "jaiunugpahwrexpq")
suspend fun matchRules(vararg values: Output<HttpRouteRuleMatchArgs>)

@JvmName(name = "lhnvmapclnxebnsj")
suspend fun matchRules(values: List<Output<HttpRouteRuleMatchArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "imyomlcvctjrjgek")
suspend fun matchRules(vararg values: HttpRouteRuleMatchArgs)



The list of criteria for matching attributes of a request to this routeRule. This list has OR semantics: the request matches this routeRule when any of the matchRules are satisfied. However predicates within a given matchRule have AND semantics. All predicates within a matchRule must match for the request to match the rule.

@JvmName(name = "jjporeiguoocqsyr")
suspend fun matchRules(argument: List<suspend HttpRouteRuleMatchArgsBuilder.() -> Unit>)
@JvmName(name = "cbrkhbkojdfobbub")
suspend fun matchRules(vararg argument: suspend HttpRouteRuleMatchArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)
@JvmName(name = "fylpvvfnktpflvyv")
suspend fun matchRules(argument: suspend HttpRouteRuleMatchArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



The list of criteria for matching attributes of a request to this routeRule. This list has OR semantics: the request matches this routeRule when any of the matchRules are satisfied. However predicates within a given matchRule have AND semantics. All predicates within a matchRule must match for the request to match the rule.