
@JvmName(name = "qlaamglytbbyqboo")
suspend fun advertisedGroups(value: Output<List<RouterBgpPeerAdvertisedGroupsItem>>)
@JvmName(name = "nareuujdweyfkmku")
suspend fun advertisedGroups(value: List<RouterBgpPeerAdvertisedGroupsItem>?)



User-specified list of prefix groups to advertise in custom mode, which currently supports the following option: - ALL_SUBNETS: Advertises all of the router's own VPC subnets. This excludes any routes learned for subnets that use VPC Network Peering. Note that this field can only be populated if advertise_mode is CUSTOM and overrides the list defined for the router (in the "bgp" message). These groups are advertised in addition to any specified prefixes. Leave this field blank to advertise no custom groups.

@JvmName(name = "jpanksmnjjxbpcbe")
suspend fun advertisedGroups(vararg values: Output<RouterBgpPeerAdvertisedGroupsItem>)

@JvmName(name = "unacjmvahhjeupst")
suspend fun advertisedGroups(values: List<Output<RouterBgpPeerAdvertisedGroupsItem>>)
@JvmName(name = "wvgmogsfynxmpwwd")
suspend fun advertisedGroups(vararg values: RouterBgpPeerAdvertisedGroupsItem)



User-specified list of prefix groups to advertise in custom mode, which currently supports the following option: - ALL_SUBNETS: Advertises all of the router's own VPC subnets. This excludes any routes learned for subnets that use VPC Network Peering. Note that this field can only be populated if advertise_mode is CUSTOM and overrides the list defined for the router (in the "bgp" message). These groups are advertised in addition to any specified prefixes. Leave this field blank to advertise no custom groups.