
data class TlsValidationContextArgs(val certificatePath: Output<String>? = null, val sdsConfig: Output<SdsConfigArgs>? = null, val validationSource: Output<TlsValidationContextValidationSource>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<TlsValidationContextArgs>

Deprecated Defines the mechanism to obtain the Certificate Authority certificate to validate the client/server certificate. validate the client/server certificate.


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fun TlsValidationContextArgs(certificatePath: Output<String>? = null, sdsConfig: Output<SdsConfigArgs>? = null, validationSource: Output<TlsValidationContextValidationSource>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): TlsValidationContextArgs


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val certificatePath: Output<String>? = null

The path to the file holding the CA certificate to validate the client or server certificate.

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val sdsConfig: Output<SdsConfigArgs>? = null

Specifies the config to retrieve certificates through SDS. This field is applicable only if tlsCertificateSource is set to USE_SDS.

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Defines how TLS certificates are obtained.