
@JvmName(name = "bvuicphqdxdmnvij")
suspend fun networkEndpointGroups(value: Output<List<String>>)
@JvmName(name = "btervesohnhpxdfn")
suspend fun networkEndpointGroups(value: List<String>?)



A list of URLs to the NetworkEndpointGroup resources. Must not have more than 100. For regional HealthCheckService, NEGs must be in zones in the region of the HealthCheckService. For global HealthCheckServices, the NetworkEndpointGroups must be global INTERNET_IP_PORT.

@JvmName(name = "voqgmqnfyjmuiree")
suspend fun networkEndpointGroups(vararg values: Output<String>)

@JvmName(name = "dikeoroplmtqdjdg")
suspend fun networkEndpointGroups(values: List<Output<String>>)
@JvmName(name = "wwionrymidodmdep")
suspend fun networkEndpointGroups(vararg values: String)



A list of URLs to the NetworkEndpointGroup resources. Must not have more than 100. For regional HealthCheckService, NEGs must be in zones in the region of the HealthCheckService. For global HealthCheckServices, the NetworkEndpointGroups must be global INTERNET_IP_PORT.