
enum NodeGroupMaintenancePolicy : Enum<NodeGroupMaintenancePolicy> , ConvertibleToJava<NodeGroupMaintenancePolicy>

Specifies how to handle instances when a node in the group undergoes maintenance. Set to one of: DEFAULT, RESTART_IN_PLACE, or MIGRATE_WITHIN_NODE_GROUP. The default value is DEFAULT. For more information, see Maintenance policies.


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Allow the node and corresponding instances to retain default maintenance behavior.

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When maintenance must be done on a node, the instances on that node will be moved to other nodes in the group. Instances with onHostMaintenance = MIGRATE will live migrate to their destinations while instances with onHostMaintenance = TERMINATE will terminate and then restart on their destination nodes if automaticRestart = true.

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Instances in this group will restart on the same node when maintenance has completed. Instances must have onHostMaintenance = TERMINATE, and they will only restart if automaticRestart = true.


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object Companion


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open override fun toJava(): NodeGroupMaintenancePolicy
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Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)

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Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.


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val javaValue: NodeGroupMaintenancePolicy
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