
@JvmName(name = "jfxovtqesfgfkqbw")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(value: Output<List<WeightedBackendServiceArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "ukcarnokirbpfeib")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(value: List<WeightedBackendServiceArgs>?)



A list of weighted backend services to send traffic to when a route match occurs. The weights determine the fraction of traffic that flows to their corresponding backend service. If all traffic needs to go to a single backend service, there must be one weightedBackendService with weight set to a non-zero number. After a backend service is identified and before forwarding the request to the backend service, advanced routing actions such as URL rewrites and header transformations are applied depending on additional settings specified in this HttpRouteAction.

@JvmName(name = "sldqvujclquqjtbt")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(vararg values: Output<WeightedBackendServiceArgs>)

@JvmName(name = "ievqdivslyhloalf")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(values: List<Output<WeightedBackendServiceArgs>>)
@JvmName(name = "fdwdrdhobwylawcu")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(vararg values: WeightedBackendServiceArgs)



A list of weighted backend services to send traffic to when a route match occurs. The weights determine the fraction of traffic that flows to their corresponding backend service. If all traffic needs to go to a single backend service, there must be one weightedBackendService with weight set to a non-zero number. After a backend service is identified and before forwarding the request to the backend service, advanced routing actions such as URL rewrites and header transformations are applied depending on additional settings specified in this HttpRouteAction.

@JvmName(name = "cpwpucousfpbbqkt")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(argument: List<suspend WeightedBackendServiceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit>)
@JvmName(name = "rauslfysvtyiouag")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(vararg argument: suspend WeightedBackendServiceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)
@JvmName(name = "bgylvgbwhlytlcxg")
suspend fun weightedBackendServices(argument: suspend WeightedBackendServiceArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



A list of weighted backend services to send traffic to when a route match occurs. The weights determine the fraction of traffic that flows to their corresponding backend service. If all traffic needs to go to a single backend service, there must be one weightedBackendService with weight set to a non-zero number. After a backend service is identified and before forwarding the request to the backend service, advanced routing actions such as URL rewrites and header transformations are applied depending on additional settings specified in this HttpRouteAction.