Allocation Specific SKUReservation Response
data class AllocationSpecificSKUReservationResponse(val assuredCount: String, val count: String, val inUseCount: String, val instanceProperties: AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesResponse, val sourceInstanceTemplate: String)
This reservation type allows to pre allocate specific instance configuration. Next ID: 6
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fun AllocationSpecificSKUReservationResponse(assuredCount: String, count: String, inUseCount: String, instanceProperties: AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstancePropertiesResponse, sourceInstanceTemplate: String)
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Specifies the instance template to create the reservation. If you use this field, you must exclude the instanceProperties field. This field is optional, and it can be a full or partial URL. For example, the following are all valid URLs to an instance template: - /global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - projects/project/global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate - global/instanceTemplates/instanceTemplate