Get Health Check Result
data class GetHealthCheckResult(val checkIntervalSec: Int, val creationTimestamp: String, val description: String, val grpcHealthCheck: GRPCHealthCheckResponse, val healthyThreshold: Int, val http2HealthCheck: HTTP2HealthCheckResponse, val httpHealthCheck: HTTPHealthCheckResponse, val httpsHealthCheck: HTTPSHealthCheckResponse, val kind: String, val logConfig: HealthCheckLogConfigResponse, val name: String, val region: String, val selfLink: String, val sslHealthCheck: SSLHealthCheckResponse, val tcpHealthCheck: TCPHealthCheckResponse, val timeoutSec: Int, val type: String, val unhealthyThreshold: Int)
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fun GetHealthCheckResult(checkIntervalSec: Int, creationTimestamp: String, description: String, grpcHealthCheck: GRPCHealthCheckResponse, healthyThreshold: Int, http2HealthCheck: HTTP2HealthCheckResponse, httpHealthCheck: HTTPHealthCheckResponse, httpsHealthCheck: HTTPSHealthCheckResponse, kind: String, logConfig: HealthCheckLogConfigResponse, name: String, region: String, selfLink: String, sslHealthCheck: SSLHealthCheckResponse, tcpHealthCheck: TCPHealthCheckResponse, timeoutSec: Int, type: String, unhealthyThreshold: Int)
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Name of the resource. Provided by the client when the resource is created. The name must be 1-63 characters long, and comply with RFC1035. For example, a name that is 1-63 characters long, matches the regular expression [a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?
, and otherwise complies with RFC1035. This regular expression describes a name where the first character is a lowercase letter, and all following characters are a dash, lowercase letter, or digit, except the last character, which isn't a dash.
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