
data class HostRuleResponse(val description: String, val hosts: List<String>, val pathMatcher: String)

UrlMaps A host-matching rule for a URL. If matched, will use the named PathMatcher to select the BackendService.


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fun HostRuleResponse(description: String, hosts: List<String>, pathMatcher: String)


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object Companion


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An optional description of this resource. Provide this property when you create the resource.

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The list of host patterns to match. They must be valid hostnames with optional port numbers in the format host:port. * matches any string of (a-z0-9-.*). In that case, * must be the first character, and if followed by anything, the immediate following character must be either - or .. * based matching is not supported when the URL map is bound to a target gRPC proxy that has the validateForProxyless field set to true.

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The name of the PathMatcher to use to match the path portion of the URL if the hostRule matches the URL's host portion.