
data class ReservationAffinityResponse(val consumeReservationType: String, val key: String, val values: List<String>)

Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.


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fun ReservationAffinityResponse(consumeReservationType: String, key: String, values: List<String>)


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object Companion


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Specifies the type of reservation from which this instance can consume resources: ANY_RESERVATION (default), SPECIFIC_RESERVATION, or NO_RESERVATION. See Consuming reserved instances for examples.

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val key: String

Corresponds to the label key of a reservation resource. To target a SPECIFIC_RESERVATION by name, specify as the key and specify the name of your reservation as its value.

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Corresponds to the label values of a reservation resource. This can be either a name to a reservation in the same project or "projects/different-project/reservations/some-reservation-name" to target a shared reservation in the same zone but in a different project.