Scheduling Response
data class SchedulingResponse(val automaticRestart: Boolean, val hostErrorTimeoutSeconds: Int, val instanceTerminationAction: String, val locationHint: String, val maintenanceFreezeDurationHours: Int, val maintenanceInterval: String, val maxRunDuration: DurationResponse, val minNodeCpus: Int, val nodeAffinities: List<SchedulingNodeAffinityResponse>, val onHostMaintenance: String, val preemptible: Boolean, val provisioningModel: String, val terminationTime: String)
Sets the scheduling options for an Instance.
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fun SchedulingResponse(automaticRestart: Boolean, hostErrorTimeoutSeconds: Int, instanceTerminationAction: String, locationHint: String, maintenanceFreezeDurationHours: Int, maintenanceInterval: String, maxRunDuration: DurationResponse, minNodeCpus: Int, nodeAffinities: List<SchedulingNodeAffinityResponse>, onHostMaintenance: String, preemptible: Boolean, provisioningModel: String, terminationTime: String)
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Specifies whether the instance should be automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine (not terminated by a user). You can only set the automatic restart option for standard instances. Preemptible instances cannot be automatically restarted. By default, this is set to true so an instance is automatically restarted if it is terminated by Compute Engine.
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