
data class ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyArgs(val retentionPolicy: Output<ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicyArgs>? = null, val schedule: Output<ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyScheduleArgs>? = null, val snapshotProperties: Output<ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySnapshotPropertiesArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyArgs>

A snapshot schedule policy specifies when and how frequently snapshots are to be created for the target disk. Also specifies how many and how long these scheduled snapshots should be retained.



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open override fun toJava(): ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyArgs


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Retention policy applied to snapshots created by this resource policy.

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A Vm Maintenance Policy specifies what kind of infrastructure maintenance we are allowed to perform on this VM and when. Schedule that is applied to disks covered by this policy.

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Properties with which snapshots are created such as labels, encryption keys.