
data class GetEndpointAttachmentResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val endpointIp: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val serviceAttachment: String, val updateTime: String)


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fun GetEndpointAttachmentResult(createTime: String, description: String, endpointIp: String, labels: Map<String, String>, name: String, serviceAttachment: String, updateTime: String)


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object Companion


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Created time.

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Optional. Description of the resource.

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The Private Service Connect connection endpoint ip

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Optional. Resource labels to represent user-provided metadata. Refer to cloud documentation on labels for more details.

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Resource name of the Endpoint Attachment. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/endpointAttachments/{endpoint_attachment}

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The path of the service attachment

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Updated time.