Cluster Autoscaling Response
data class ClusterAutoscalingResponse(val autoprovisioningLocations: List<String>, val autoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults: AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaultsResponse, val autoscalingProfile: String, val enableNodeAutoprovisioning: Boolean, val resourceLimits: List<ResourceLimitResponse>)
ClusterAutoscaling contains global, per-cluster information required by Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size of the cluster and create/delete node pools based on the current needs.
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fun ClusterAutoscalingResponse(autoprovisioningLocations: List<String>, autoprovisioningNodePoolDefaults: AutoprovisioningNodePoolDefaultsResponse, autoscalingProfile: String, enableNodeAutoprovisioning: Boolean, resourceLimits: List<ResourceLimitResponse>)
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The list of Google Compute Engine zones in which the NodePool's nodes can be created by NAP.
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