
data class FileNoteArgs(val checksum: Output<List<String>>? = null, val fileType: Output<FileNoteFileType>? = null, val title: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<FileNoteArgs>

FileNote represents an SPDX File Information section:


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fun FileNoteArgs(checksum: Output<List<String>>? = null, fileType: Output<FileNoteFileType>? = null, title: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): FileNoteArgs


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val checksum: Output<List<String>>? = null

Provide a unique identifier to match analysis information on each specific file in a package

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val fileType: Output<FileNoteFileType>? = null

This field provides information about the type of file identified

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val title: Output<String>? = null

Identify the full path and filename that corresponds to the file information in this section