
data class PackageInfoNoteArgs(val analyzed: Output<Boolean>? = null, val attribution: Output<String>? = null, val checksum: Output<String>? = null, val copyright: Output<String>? = null, val detailedDescription: Output<String>? = null, val downloadLocation: Output<String>? = null, val externalRefs: Output<List<ExternalRefArgs>>? = null, val filesLicenseInfo: Output<List<String>>? = null, val homePage: Output<String>? = null, val licenseDeclared: Output<LicenseArgs>? = null, val originator: Output<String>? = null, val packageType: Output<String>? = null, val summaryDescription: Output<String>? = null, val supplier: Output<String>? = null, val title: Output<String>? = null, val verificationCode: Output<String>? = null, val version: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<PackageInfoNoteArgs>

PackageInfoNote represents an SPDX Package Information section:


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fun PackageInfoNoteArgs(analyzed: Output<Boolean>? = null, attribution: Output<String>? = null, checksum: Output<String>? = null, copyright: Output<String>? = null, detailedDescription: Output<String>? = null, downloadLocation: Output<String>? = null, externalRefs: Output<List<ExternalRefArgs>>? = null, filesLicenseInfo: Output<List<String>>? = null, homePage: Output<String>? = null, licenseDeclared: Output<LicenseArgs>? = null, originator: Output<String>? = null, packageType: Output<String>? = null, summaryDescription: Output<String>? = null, supplier: Output<String>? = null, title: Output<String>? = null, verificationCode: Output<String>? = null, version: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): PackageInfoNoteArgs


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val analyzed: Output<Boolean>? = null

Indicates whether the file content of this package has been available for or subjected to analysis when creating the SPDX document

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val attribution: Output<String>? = null

A place for the SPDX data creator to record, at the package level, acknowledgements that may be needed to be communicated in some contexts

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val checksum: Output<String>? = null

Provide an independently reproducible mechanism that permits unique identification of a specific package that correlates to the data in this SPDX file

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val copyright: Output<String>? = null

Identify the copyright holders of the package, as well as any dates present

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val detailedDescription: Output<String>? = null

A more detailed description of the package

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val downloadLocation: Output<String>? = null

This section identifies the download Universal Resource Locator (URL), or a specific location within a version control system (VCS) for the package at the time that the SPDX file was created

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val externalRefs: Output<List<ExternalRefArgs>>? = null


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val filesLicenseInfo: Output<List<String>>? = null

Contain the license the SPDX file creator has concluded as governing the This field is to contain a list of all licenses found in the package. The relationship between licenses (i.e., conjunctive, disjunctive) is not specified in this field – it is simply a listing of all licenses found

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val homePage: Output<String>? = null

Provide a place for the SPDX file creator to record a web site that serves as the package's home page

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val licenseDeclared: Output<LicenseArgs>? = null

List the licenses that have been declared by the authors of the package

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val originator: Output<String>? = null

If the package identified in the SPDX file originated from a different person or organization than identified as Package Supplier, this field identifies from where or whom the package originally came

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val packageType: Output<String>? = null

The type of package: OS, MAVEN, GO, GO_STDLIB, etc.

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val summaryDescription: Output<String>? = null

A short description of the package

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val supplier: Output<String>? = null

Identify the actual distribution source for the package/directory identified in the SPDX file

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val title: Output<String>? = null

Identify the full name of the package as given by the Package Originator

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val verificationCode: Output<String>? = null

This field provides an independently reproducible mechanism identifying specific contents of a package based on the actual files (except the SPDX file itself, if it is included in the package) that make up each package and that correlates to the data in this SPDX file

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val version: Output<String>? = null

Identify the version of the package