
data class VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs(val assessment: Output<AssessmentArgs>? = null, val languageCode: Output<String>? = null, val longDescription: Output<String>? = null, val product: Output<ProductArgs>? = null, val publisher: Output<PublisherArgs>? = null, val shortDescription: Output<String>? = null, val title: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs>

A single VulnerabilityAssessmentNote represents one particular product's vulnerability assessment for one CVE. Multiple VulnerabilityAssessmentNotes together form a Vex statement. Please go/sds-vex-example for a sample Vex statement in the CSAF format.


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fun VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs(assessment: Output<AssessmentArgs>? = null, languageCode: Output<String>? = null, longDescription: Output<String>? = null, product: Output<ProductArgs>? = null, publisher: Output<PublisherArgs>? = null, shortDescription: Output<String>? = null, title: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs


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val assessment: Output<AssessmentArgs>? = null

Represents a vulnerability assessment for the product.

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val languageCode: Output<String>? = null

Identifies the language used by this document, corresponding to IETF BCP 47 / RFC 5646.

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val longDescription: Output<String>? = null

A detailed description of this Vex.

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val product: Output<ProductArgs>? = null

The product affected by this vex.

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val publisher: Output<PublisherArgs>? = null

Publisher details of this Note.

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val shortDescription: Output<String>? = null

A one sentence description of this Vex.

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val title: Output<String>? = null

The title of the note. E.g. Vex-Debian-11.4