
data class ArtifactResponse(val checksum: String, val name: String, val names: List<String>)

Artifact describes a build product.


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fun ArtifactResponse(checksum: String, name: String, names: List<String>)


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object Companion


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Hash or checksum value of a binary, or Docker Registry 2.0 digest of a container.

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Name of the artifact. This may be the path to a binary or jar file, or in the case of a container build, the name used to push the container image to Google Container Registry, as presented to docker push. This field is deprecated in favor of the plural names field; it continues to exist here to allow existing BuildProvenance serialized to json in google.devtools.containeranalysis.v1alpha1.BuildDetails.provenance_bytes to deserialize back into proto.

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Related artifact names. This may be the path to a binary or jar file, or in the case of a container build, the name used to push the container image to Google Container Registry, as presented to docker push. Note that a single Artifact ID can have multiple names, for example if two tags are applied to one image.