
data class MetadataResponse(val buildFinishedOn: String, val buildInvocationId: String, val buildStartedOn: String, val completeness: CompletenessResponse, val reproducible: Boolean)

Other properties of the build.


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fun MetadataResponse(buildFinishedOn: String, buildInvocationId: String, buildStartedOn: String, completeness: CompletenessResponse, reproducible: Boolean)


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object Companion


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The timestamp of when the build completed.

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Identifies the particular build invocation, which can be useful for finding associated logs or other ad-hoc analysis. The value SHOULD be globally unique, per in-toto Provenance spec.

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The timestamp of when the build started.

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Indicates that the builder claims certain fields in this message to be complete.

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If true, the builder claims that running the recipe on materials will produce bit-for-bit identical output.