
data class NoteArgs(val attestationAuthority: Output<AuthorityArgs>? = null, val baseImage: Output<BasisArgs>? = null, val build: Output<BuildArgs>? = null, val deployable: Output<DeployableArgs>? = null, val discovery: Output<DiscoveryArgs>? = null, val expirationTime: Output<String>? = null, val intoto: Output<InTotoArgs>? = null, val longDescription: Output<String>? = null, val noteId: Output<String>? = null, val package: Output<PackageArgs>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val relatedNoteNames: Output<List<String>>? = null, val relatedUrl: Output<List<RelatedUrlArgs>>? = null, val sbom: Output<DocumentNoteArgs>? = null, val sbomReference: Output<SBOMReferenceNoteArgs>? = null, val shortDescription: Output<String>? = null, val spdxFile: Output<FileNoteArgs>? = null, val spdxPackage: Output<PackageInfoNoteArgs>? = null, val spdxRelationship: Output<RelationshipNoteArgs>? = null, val vulnerability: Output<VulnerabilityArgs>? = null, val vulnerabilityAssessment: Output<VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<NoteArgs>

Creates a new note. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource.


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fun NoteArgs(attestationAuthority: Output<AuthorityArgs>? = null, baseImage: Output<BasisArgs>? = null, build: Output<BuildArgs>? = null, deployable: Output<DeployableArgs>? = null, discovery: Output<DiscoveryArgs>? = null, expirationTime: Output<String>? = null, intoto: Output<InTotoArgs>? = null, longDescription: Output<String>? = null, noteId: Output<String>? = null, package: Output<PackageArgs>? = null, project: Output<String>? = null, relatedNoteNames: Output<List<String>>? = null, relatedUrl: Output<List<RelatedUrlArgs>>? = null, sbom: Output<DocumentNoteArgs>? = null, sbomReference: Output<SBOMReferenceNoteArgs>? = null, shortDescription: Output<String>? = null, spdxFile: Output<FileNoteArgs>? = null, spdxPackage: Output<PackageInfoNoteArgs>? = null, spdxRelationship: Output<RelationshipNoteArgs>? = null, vulnerability: Output<VulnerabilityArgs>? = null, vulnerabilityAssessment: Output<VulnerabilityAssessmentNoteArgs>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): NoteArgs


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val attestationAuthority: Output<AuthorityArgs>? = null

A note describing an attestation role.

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val baseImage: Output<BasisArgs>? = null

A note describing a base image.

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val build: Output<BuildArgs>? = null

A note describing build provenance for a verifiable build.

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val deployable: Output<DeployableArgs>? = null

A note describing something that can be deployed.

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val discovery: Output<DiscoveryArgs>? = null

A note describing the initial analysis of a resource.

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val expirationTime: Output<String>? = null

Time of expiration for this note. Empty if note does not expire.

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val intoto: Output<InTotoArgs>? = null

A note describing an in-toto link.

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val longDescription: Output<String>? = null

A detailed description of this note.

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val noteId: Output<String>? = null

Required. The ID to use for this note.

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val package: Output<PackageArgs>? = null

A note describing a package hosted by various package managers.

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val project: Output<String>? = null
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val relatedNoteNames: Output<List<String>>? = null

Other notes related to this note.

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val relatedUrl: Output<List<RelatedUrlArgs>>? = null

URLs associated with this note.

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val sbom: Output<DocumentNoteArgs>? = null

A note describing a software bill of materials.

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A note describing an SBOM reference.

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val shortDescription: Output<String>? = null

A one sentence description of this note.

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val spdxFile: Output<FileNoteArgs>? = null

A note describing an SPDX File.

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val spdxPackage: Output<PackageInfoNoteArgs>? = null

A note describing an SPDX Package.

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A note describing an SPDX File.

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val vulnerability: Output<VulnerabilityArgs>? = null

A note describing a package vulnerability.

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A note describing a vulnerability assessment.