
data class GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1GcsFilesetSpecArgs(val filePatterns: Output<List<String>>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1GcsFilesetSpecArgs>

Describes a Cloud Storage fileset entry.



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open override fun toJava(): GoogleCloudDatacatalogV1beta1GcsFilesetSpecArgs


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val filePatterns: Output<List<String>>

Patterns to identify a set of files in Google Cloud Storage. See Cloud Storage documentation for more information. Note that bucket wildcards are currently not supported. Examples of valid file_patterns: * gs://bucket_name/dir/*: matches all files within bucket_name/dir directory. * gs://bucket_name/dir/**: matches all files in bucket_name/dir spanning all subdirectories. * gs://bucket_name/file*: matches files prefixed by file in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/??&#46;txt: matches files with two characters followed by &#46;txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/[aeiou]&#46;txt: matches files that contain a single vowel character followed by &#46;txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/[a-m]&#46;txt: matches files that contain a, b, ... or m followed by &#46;txt in bucket_name * gs://bucket_name/a/*/b: matches all files in bucket_name that match a/*/b pattern, such as a/c/b, a/d/b * gs://another_bucket/a&#46;txt: matches gs://another_bucket/a&#46;txt You can combine wildcards to provide more powerful matches, for example: * gs://bucket_name/[a-m]??.j*g ////