
data class CloudSqlConnectionProfileResponse(val additionalPublicIp: String, val cloudSqlId: String, val privateIp: String, val publicIp: String, val settings: CloudSqlSettingsResponse)

Specifies required connection parameters, and, optionally, the parameters required to create a Cloud SQL destination database instance.


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fun CloudSqlConnectionProfileResponse(additionalPublicIp: String, cloudSqlId: String, privateIp: String, publicIp: String, settings: CloudSqlSettingsResponse)


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The Cloud SQL database instance's additional (outgoing) public IP. Used when the Cloud SQL database availability type is REGIONAL (i.e. multiple zones / highly available).

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The Cloud SQL instance ID that this connection profile is associated with.

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The Cloud SQL database instance's private IP.

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The Cloud SQL database instance's public IP.

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Immutable. Metadata used to create the destination Cloud SQL database.