
data class GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecArgs(val disabled: Output<Boolean>? = null, val maxRetries: Output<Int>? = null, val schedule: Output<String>? = null, val startTime: Output<String>? = null, val type: Output<GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecType>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecArgs>

Task scheduling and trigger settings.


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fun GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecArgs(disabled: Output<Boolean>? = null, maxRetries: Output<Int>? = null, schedule: Output<String>? = null, startTime: Output<String>? = null, type: Output<GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecType>)


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open override fun toJava(): GoogleCloudDataplexV1TaskTriggerSpecArgs


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val disabled: Output<Boolean>? = null

Optional. Prevent the task from executing. This does not cancel already running tasks. It is intended to temporarily disable RECURRING tasks.

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val maxRetries: Output<Int>? = null

Optional. Number of retry attempts before aborting. Set to zero to never attempt to retry a failed task.

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val schedule: Output<String>? = null

Optional. Cron schedule ( for running tasks periodically. To explicitly set a timezone to the cron tab, apply a prefix in the cron tab: "CRON_TZ=${IANA_TIME_ZONE}" or "TZ=${IANA_TIME_ZONE}". The ${IANA_TIME_ZONE} may only be a valid string from IANA time zone database. For example, CRON_TZ=America/New_York 1 * * * *, or TZ=America/New_York 1 * * * *. This field is required for RECURRING tasks.

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val startTime: Output<String>? = null

Optional. The first run of the task will be after this time. If not specified, the task will run shortly after being submitted if ON_DEMAND and based on the schedule if RECURRING.

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Immutable. Trigger type of the user-specified Task.