
data class OrderedJobResponse(val hadoopJob: HadoopJobResponse, val hiveJob: HiveJobResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val pigJob: PigJobResponse, val prerequisiteStepIds: List<String>, val prestoJob: PrestoJobResponse, val pysparkJob: PySparkJobResponse, val scheduling: JobSchedulingResponse, val sparkJob: SparkJobResponse, val sparkRJob: SparkRJobResponse, val sparkSqlJob: SparkSqlJobResponse, val stepId: String, val trinoJob: TrinoJobResponse)

A job executed by the workflow.


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fun OrderedJobResponse(hadoopJob: HadoopJobResponse, hiveJob: HiveJobResponse, labels: Map<String, String>, pigJob: PigJobResponse, prerequisiteStepIds: List<String>, prestoJob: PrestoJobResponse, pysparkJob: PySparkJobResponse, scheduling: JobSchedulingResponse, sparkJob: SparkJobResponse, sparkRJob: SparkRJobResponse, sparkSqlJob: SparkSqlJobResponse, stepId: String, trinoJob: TrinoJobResponse)


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object Companion


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Optional. Job is a Hadoop job.

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Optional. Job is a Hive job.

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Optional. The labels to associate with this job.Label keys must be between 1 and 63 characters long, and must conform to the following regular expression: \p{Ll}\p{Lo}{0,62}Label values must be between 1 and 63 characters long, and must conform to the following regular expression: \p{Ll}\p{Lo}\p{N}_-{0,63}No more than 32 labels can be associated with a given job.

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Optional. Job is a Pig job.

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Optional. The optional list of prerequisite job step_ids. If not specified, the job will start at the beginning of workflow.

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Optional. Job is a Presto job.

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Optional. Job is a PySpark job.

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Optional. Job scheduling configuration.

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Optional. Job is a Spark job.

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Optional. Job is a SparkR job.

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Optional. Job is a SparkSql job.

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The step id. The id must be unique among all jobs within the template.The step id is used as prefix for job id, as job goog-dataproc-workflow-step-id label, and in prerequisiteStepIds field from other steps.The id must contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). Cannot begin or end with underscore or hyphen. Must consist of between 3 and 50 characters.

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Optional. Job is a Trino job.