
@JvmName(name = "shyowyqvbtjdqary")
suspend fun labels(value: Output<Map<String, String>>)
@JvmName(name = "sjveypivnuguswsm")
suspend fun labels(value: Map<String, String>?)



Optional. The labels to associate with this cluster. Label keys must contain 1 to 63 characters, and must conform to RFC 1035 ( Label values may be empty, but, if present, must contain 1 to 63 characters, and must conform to RFC 1035 ( No more than 32 labels can be associated with a cluster.

@JvmName(name = "mueibpwgfwoksxeo")
fun labels(vararg values: Pair<String, String>)



Optional. The labels to associate with this cluster. Label keys must contain 1 to 63 characters, and must conform to RFC 1035 ( Label values may be empty, but, if present, must contain 1 to 63 characters, and must conform to RFC 1035 ( No more than 32 labels can be associated with a cluster.