
data class GoogleCloudDialogflowV2beta1HumanAgentAssistantConfigMessageAnalysisConfigResponse(val enableEntityExtraction: Boolean, val enableSentimentAnalysis: Boolean)

Configuration for analyses to run on each conversation message.



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Enable entity extraction in conversation messages on agent assist stage. If unspecified, defaults to false. Currently, this feature is not general available, please contact Google to get access.

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Enable sentiment analysis in conversation messages on agent assist stage. If unspecified, defaults to false. Sentiment analysis inspects user input and identifies the prevailing subjective opinion, especially to determine a user's attitude as positive, negative, or neutral: For Participants.StreamingAnalyzeContent method, result will be in StreamingAnalyzeContentResponse.message.SentimentAnalysisResult. For Participants.AnalyzeContent method, result will be in AnalyzeContentResponse.message.SentimentAnalysisResult For Conversations.ListMessages method, result will be in ListMessagesResponse.messages.SentimentAnalysisResult If Pub/Sub notification is configured, result will be in ConversationEvent.new_message_payload.SentimentAnalysisResult.