
data class RRSetRoutingPolicyWrrPolicyWrrPolicyItemResponse(val healthCheckedTargets: RRSetRoutingPolicyHealthCheckTargetsResponse, val kind: String, val rrdatas: List<String>, val signatureRrdatas: List<String>, val weight: Double)

A routing block which contains the routing information for one WRR item.



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endpoints that need to be health checked before making the routing decision. The unhealthy endpoints will be omitted from the result. If all endpoints within a buckete are unhealthy, we'll choose a different bucket (sampled w.r.t. its weight) for responding. Note that if DNSSEC is enabled for this zone, only one of rrdata or health_checked_targets can be set.

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DNSSEC generated signatures for all the rrdata within this item. Note that if health checked targets are provided for DNSSEC enabled zones, there's a restriction of 1 ip per item. .

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The weight corresponding to this subset of rrdata. When multiple WeightedRoundRobinPolicyItems are configured, the probability of returning an rrset is proportional to its weight relative to the sum of weights configured for all items. This weight should be non-negative.