
data class RRSetRoutingPolicyGeoPolicyGeoPolicyItemResponse(val healthCheckedTargets: RRSetRoutingPolicyHealthCheckTargetsResponse, val kind: String, val location: String, val rrdatas: List<String>, val signatureRrdatas: List<String>)

ResourceRecordSet data for one geo location.



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For A and AAAA types only. Endpoints to return in the query result only if they are healthy. These can be specified along with rrdata within this item.

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The geo-location granularity is a GCP region. This location string should correspond to a GCP region. e.g. "us-east1", "southamerica-east1", "asia-east1", etc.

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DNSSEC generated signatures for all the rrdata within this item. Note that if health checked targets are provided for DNSSEC enabled zones, there's a restriction of 1 ip per item. .