
@JvmName(name = "btvvqptawcjmyodu")
suspend fun reservedIpRange(value: Output<String>)
@JvmName(name = "pyncwlcbmswcatfk")
suspend fun reservedIpRange(value: String?)



Optional, reserved_ip_range can have one of the following two types of values. * CIDR range value when using DIRECT_PEERING connect mode. * Allocated IP address range when using PRIVATE_SERVICE_ACCESS connect mode. When the name of an allocated IP address range is specified, it must be one of the ranges associated with the private service access connection. When specified as a direct CIDR value, it must be a /29 CIDR block for Basic tier, a /24 CIDR block for High Scale tier, or a /26 CIDR block for Enterprise tier in one of the internal IP address ranges that identifies the range of IP addresses reserved for this instance. For example,,, or, respectively. The range you specify can't overlap with either existing subnets or assigned IP address ranges for other Filestore instances in the selected VPC network.