
data class PipelineResourcesArgs(val acceleratorCount: Output<String>? = null, val acceleratorType: Output<String>? = null, val bootDiskSizeGb: Output<Int>? = null, val disks: Output<List<DiskArgs>>? = null, val minimumCpuCores: Output<Int>? = null, val minimumRamGb: Output<Double>? = null, val noAddress: Output<Boolean>? = null, val preemptible: Output<Boolean>? = null, val zones: Output<List<String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<PipelineResourcesArgs>

The system resources for the pipeline run.


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fun PipelineResourcesArgs(acceleratorCount: Output<String>? = null, acceleratorType: Output<String>? = null, bootDiskSizeGb: Output<Int>? = null, disks: Output<List<DiskArgs>>? = null, minimumCpuCores: Output<Int>? = null, minimumRamGb: Output<Double>? = null, noAddress: Output<Boolean>? = null, preemptible: Output<Boolean>? = null, zones: Output<List<String>>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): PipelineResourcesArgs


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val acceleratorCount: Output<String>? = null

Optional. The number of accelerators of the specified type to attach. By specifying this parameter, you will download and install the following third-party software onto your managed Compute Engine instances: NVIDIA® Tesla® drivers and NVIDIA® CUDA toolkit.

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val acceleratorType: Output<String>? = null

Optional. The Compute Engine defined accelerator type. By specifying this parameter, you will download and install the following third-party software onto your managed Compute Engine instances: NVIDIA® Tesla® drivers and NVIDIA® CUDA toolkit. Please see https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/gpus/ for a list of available accelerator types.

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val bootDiskSizeGb: Output<Int>? = null

The size of the boot disk. Defaults to 10 (GB).

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val disks: Output<List<DiskArgs>>? = null

Disks to attach.

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val minimumCpuCores: Output<Int>? = null

The minimum number of cores to use. Defaults to 1.

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val minimumRamGb: Output<Double>? = null

The minimum amount of RAM to use. Defaults to 3.75 (GB)

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val noAddress: Output<Boolean>? = null

Whether to assign an external IP to the instance. This is an experimental feature that may go away. Defaults to false. Corresponds to --no_address flag for gcloud compute instances create (https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/instances/create). In order to use this, must be true for both create time and run time. Cannot be true at run time if false at create time. If you need to ssh into a private IP VM for debugging, you can ssh to a public VM and then ssh into the private VM's Internal IP. If noAddress is set, this pipeline run may only load docker images from Google Container Registry and not Docker Hub. Before using this, you must configure access to Google services from internal IPs.

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val preemptible: Output<Boolean>? = null

Whether to use preemptible VMs. Defaults to false. In order to use this, must be true for both create time and run time. Cannot be true at run time if false at create time.

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val zones: Output<List<String>>? = null

List of Google Compute Engine availability zones to which resource creation will restricted. If empty, any zone may be chosen.