Package-level declarations


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class Pipeline : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a pipeline that can be run later. Create takes a Pipeline that has all fields other than pipelineId populated, and then returns the same pipeline with pipelineId populated. This id can be used to run the pipeline. Caller must have WRITE permission to the project.

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data class PipelineArgs(val description: Output<String>? = null, val docker: Output<DockerExecutorArgs>? = null, val inputParameters: Output<List<PipelineParameterArgs>>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val outputParameters: Output<List<PipelineParameterArgs>>? = null, val pipelineId: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val resources: Output<PipelineResourcesArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<PipelineArgs>

Creates a pipeline that can be run later. Create takes a Pipeline that has all fields other than pipelineId populated, and then returns the same pipeline with pipelineId populated. This id can be used to run the pipeline. Caller must have WRITE permission to the project.

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object PipelineMapper : ResourceMapper<Pipeline>
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suspend fun pipeline(name: String, block: suspend PipelineResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): Pipeline