
data class RestoreConfigArgs(val allNamespaces: Output<Boolean>? = null, val clusterResourceConflictPolicy: Output<RestoreConfigClusterResourceConflictPolicy>? = null, val clusterResourceRestoreScope: Output<ClusterResourceRestoreScopeArgs>? = null, val namespacedResourceRestoreMode: Output<RestoreConfigNamespacedResourceRestoreMode>? = null, val selectedApplications: Output<NamespacedNamesArgs>? = null, val selectedNamespaces: Output<NamespacesArgs>? = null, val substitutionRules: Output<List<SubstitutionRuleArgs>>? = null, val volumeDataRestorePolicy: Output<RestoreConfigVolumeDataRestorePolicy>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<RestoreConfigArgs>

Configuration of a restore. Next id: 12


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fun RestoreConfigArgs(allNamespaces: Output<Boolean>? = null, clusterResourceConflictPolicy: Output<RestoreConfigClusterResourceConflictPolicy>? = null, clusterResourceRestoreScope: Output<ClusterResourceRestoreScopeArgs>? = null, namespacedResourceRestoreMode: Output<RestoreConfigNamespacedResourceRestoreMode>? = null, selectedApplications: Output<NamespacedNamesArgs>? = null, selectedNamespaces: Output<NamespacesArgs>? = null, substitutionRules: Output<List<SubstitutionRuleArgs>>? = null, volumeDataRestorePolicy: Output<RestoreConfigVolumeDataRestorePolicy>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): RestoreConfigArgs


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val allNamespaces: Output<Boolean>? = null

Restore all namespaced resources in the Backup if set to "True". Specifying this field to "False" is an error.

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Defines the behavior for handling the situation where cluster-scoped resources being restored already exist in the target cluster. This MUST be set to a value other than CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CONFLICT_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED if cluster_resource_restore_scope is not empty.

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Identifies the cluster-scoped resources to restore from the Backup. Not specifying it means NO cluster resource will be restored.

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Defines the behavior for handling the situation where sets of namespaced resources being restored already exist in the target cluster. This MUST be set to a value other than NAMESPACED_RESOURCE_RESTORE_MODE_UNSPECIFIED.

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A list of selected ProtectedApplications to restore. The listed ProtectedApplications and all the resources to which they refer will be restored.

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val selectedNamespaces: Output<NamespacesArgs>? = null

A list of selected Namespaces to restore from the Backup. The listed Namespaces and all resources contained in them will be restored.

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A list of transformation rules to be applied against Kubernetes resources as they are selected for restoration from a Backup. Rules are executed in order defined - this order matters, as changes made by a rule may impact the filtering logic of subsequent rules. An empty list means no substitution will occur.

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Specifies the mechanism to be used to restore volume data. Default: VOLUME_DATA_RESTORE_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED (will be treated as NO_VOLUME_DATA_RESTORATION).