Get Backup Result
Minimum age for this Backup (in days). If this field is set to a non-zero value, the Backup will be "locked" against deletion (either manual or automatic deletion) for the number of days provided (measured from the creation time of the Backup). MUST be an integer value between 0-90 (inclusive). Defaults to parent BackupPlan's backup_delete_lock_days setting and may only be increased (either at creation time or in a subsequent update).
is used for optimistic concurrency control as a way to help prevent simultaneous updates of a backup from overwriting each other. It is strongly suggested that systems make use of the etag
in the read-modify-write cycle to perform backup updates in order to avoid race conditions: An etag
is returned in the response to GetBackup
, and systems are expected to put that etag in the request to UpdateBackup
or DeleteBackup
to ensure that their change will be applied to the same version of the resource.
The age (in days) after which this Backup will be automatically deleted. Must be an integer value >= 0: - If 0, no automatic deletion will occur for this Backup. - If not 0, this must be >= delete_lock_days and <= 365. Once a Backup is created, this value may only be increased. Defaults to the parent BackupPlan's backup_retain_days value.