
data class KubernetesMetadataResponse(val kubernetesApiServerVersion: String, val memoryMb: Int, val nodeCount: Int, val nodeProviderId: String, val updateTime: String, val vcpuCount: Int)

KubernetesMetadata provides informational metadata for Memberships that are created from Kubernetes Endpoints (currently, these are equivalent to Kubernetes clusters).


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fun KubernetesMetadataResponse(kubernetesApiServerVersion: String, memoryMb: Int, nodeCount: Int, nodeProviderId: String, updateTime: String, vcpuCount: Int)


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object Companion


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Kubernetes API server version string as reported by '/version'.

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The total memory capacity as reported by the sum of all Kubernetes nodes resources, defined in MB.

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Node count as reported by Kubernetes nodes resources.

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Node providerID as reported by the first node in the list of nodes on the Kubernetes endpoint. On Kubernetes platforms that support zero-node clusters (like GKE-on-GCP), the node_count will be zero and the node_provider_id will be empty.

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The time at which these details were last updated. This update_time is different from the Membership-level update_time since EndpointDetails are updated internally for API consumers.

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vCPU count as reported by Kubernetes nodes resources.