
data class MonitoringConfigResponse(val cluster: String, val clusterHash: String, val kubernetesMetricsPrefix: String, val location: String, val project: String)

This field informs Fleet-based applications/services/UIs with the necessary information for where each underlying Cluster reports its metrics.


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fun MonitoringConfigResponse(cluster: String, clusterHash: String, kubernetesMetricsPrefix: String, location: String, project: String)


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object Companion


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Immutable. Cluster name used to report metrics. For Anthos on VMWare/Baremetal, it would be in format memberClusters/cluster_name; And for Anthos on MultiCloud, it would be in format {azureClusters, awsClusters}/cluster_name.

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Immutable. Cluster hash, this is a unique string generated by google code, which does not contain any PII, which we can use to reference the cluster. This is expected to be created by the monitoring stack and persisted into the Cluster object as well as to GKE-Hub.

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Kubernetes system metrics, if available, are written to this prefix. This defaults to for GKE, and for Anthos eventually. Noted: Anthos MultiCloud will have prefix today but will migration to be under

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Immutable. Location used to report Metrics

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Immutable. Project used to report Metrics