
class BareMetalCluster : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a new bare metal cluster in a given project and location.


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The admin cluster this bare metal user cluster belongs to. This is the full resource name of the admin cluster's fleet membership.

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The resource name of the bare metal admin cluster managing this user cluster.

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val annotations: Output<Map<String, String>>

Annotations on the bare metal user cluster. This field has the same restrictions as Kubernetes annotations. The total size of all keys and values combined is limited to 256k. Key can have 2 segments: prefix (optional) and name (required), separated by a slash (/). Prefix must be a DNS subdomain. Name must be 63 characters or less, begin and end with alphanumerics, with dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics between.

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Required. User provided identifier that is used as part of the resource name; must conform to RFC-1034 and additionally restrict to lower-cased letters. This comes out roughly to: /^a-z+a-z0-9$/

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The Anthos clusters on bare metal version for your user cluster.

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Cluster operations configuration.

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Control plane configuration.

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val createTime: Output<String>

The time when the bare metal user cluster was created.

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val deleteTime: Output<String>

The time when the bare metal user cluster was deleted. If the resource is not deleted, this must be empty

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val description: Output<String>

A human readable description of this bare metal user cluster.

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val endpoint: Output<String>

The IP address of the bare metal user cluster's API server.

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val etag: Output<String>

This checksum is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding. Allows clients to perform consistent read-modify-writes through optimistic concurrency control.

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val fleet: Output<FleetResponse>

Fleet configuration for the cluster.

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val id: Output<String>
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Load balancer configuration.

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val localName: Output<String>

The object name of the bare metal user cluster custom resource on the associated admin cluster. This field is used to support conflicting names when enrolling existing clusters to the API. When used as a part of cluster enrollment, this field will differ from the name in the resource name. For new clusters, this field will match the user provided cluster name and be visible in the last component of the resource name. It is not modifiable. When the local name and cluster name differ, the local name is used in the admin cluster controller logs. You use the cluster name when accessing the cluster using bmctl and kubectl.

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val location: Output<String>
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Maintenance configuration.

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Status of on-going maintenance tasks.

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val name: Output<String>

Immutable. The bare metal user cluster resource name.

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Network configuration.

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Node access related configurations.

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Workload node configuration.

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OS environment related configurations.

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val project: Output<String>
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Proxy configuration.

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val pulumiChildResources: Set<KotlinResource>
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val reconciling: Output<Boolean>

If set, there are currently changes in flight to the bare metal user cluster.

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Security related setting configuration.

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val state: Output<String>

The current state of the bare metal user cluster.

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Detailed cluster status.

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Storage configuration.

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val uid: Output<String>

The unique identifier of the bare metal user cluster.

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val updateTime: Output<String>

The time when the bare metal user cluster was last updated.

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val urn: Output<String>
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The result of the preflight check.