
data class Hl7V2NotificationConfigResponse(val filter: String, val pubsubTopic: String)

Specifies where and whether to send notifications upon changes to a data store.


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fun Hl7V2NotificationConfigResponse(filter: String, pubsubTopic: String)


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object Companion


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Restricts notifications sent for messages matching a filter. If this is empty, all messages are matched. The following syntax is available: * A string field value can be written as text inside quotation marks, for example "query text". The only valid relational operation for text fields is equality (=), where text is searched within the field, rather than having the field be equal to the text. For example, "Comment = great" returns messages with great in the comment field. * A number field value can be written as an integer, a decimal, or an exponential. The valid relational operators for number fields are the equality operator (=), along with the less than/greater than operators (<, <=, >, >=). Note that there is no inequality (!=) operator. You can prepend the NOT operator to an expression to negate it. * A date field value must be written in yyyy-mm-dd form. Fields with date and time use the RFC3339 time format. Leading zeros are required for one-digit months and days. The valid relational operators for date fields are the equality operator (=) , along with the less than/greater than operators (<, <=, >, >=). Note that there is no inequality (!=) operator. You can prepend the NOT operator to an expression to negate it. * Multiple field query expressions can be combined in one query by adding AND or OR operators between the expressions. If a boolean operator appears within a quoted string, it is not treated as special, it's just another part of the character string to be matched. You can prepend the NOT operator to an expression to negate it. The following fields and functions are available for filtering: * message_type, from the MSH-9.1 field. For example, NOT message_type = "ADT". * send_date or sendDate, the YYYY-MM-DD date the message was sent in the dataset's time_zone, from the MSH-7 segment. For example, send_date < "2017-01-02". * send_time, the timestamp when the message was sent, using the RFC3339 time format for comparisons, from the MSH-7 segment. For example, send_time < "2017-01-02T00:00:00-05:00". * create_time, the timestamp when the message was created in the HL7v2 store. Use the RFC3339 time format for comparisons. For example, create_time < "2017-01-02T00:00:00-05:00". * send_facility, the care center that the message came from, from the MSH-4 segment. For example, send_facility = "ABC". * PatientId(value, type), which matches if the message lists a patient having an ID of the given value and type in the PID-2, PID-3, or PID-4 segments. For example, PatientId("123456", "MRN"). * labels.x, a string value of the label with key x as set using the Message.labels map. For example, labels."priority"="high". The operator :* can be used to assert the existence of a label. For example, labels."priority":*.

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The Pub/Sub topic that notifications of changes are published on. Supplied by the client. The notification is a PubsubMessage with the following fields: * PubsubMessage&#46;Data contains the resource name. * PubsubMessage&#46;MessageId is the ID of this notification. It's guaranteed to be unique within the topic. * PubsubMessage&#46;PublishTime is the time when the message was published. Note that notifications are only sent if the topic is non-empty. Topic names must be scoped to a project. The Cloud Healthcare API service account, service-PROJECT_NUMBER@gcp-sa-healthcare.iam.gserviceaccount.com, must have publisher permissions on the given Pub/Sub topic. Not having adequate permissions causes the calls that send notifications to fail. If a notification cannot be published to Pub/Sub, errors are logged to Cloud Logging. For more information, see Viewing error logs in Cloud Logging).