
data class ConsentArgs(val consentArtifact: Output<String>? = null, val consentStoreId: Output<String>? = null, val datasetId: Output<String>? = null, val expireTime: Output<String>? = null, val location: Output<String>? = null, val metadata: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val policies: Output<List<GoogleCloudHealthcareV1ConsentPolicyArgs>>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val state: Output<ConsentState>? = null, val ttl: Output<String>? = null, val userId: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ConsentArgs>

Creates a new Consent in the parent consent store.


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fun ConsentArgs(consentArtifact: Output<String>? = null, consentStoreId: Output<String>? = null, datasetId: Output<String>? = null, expireTime: Output<String>? = null, location: Output<String>? = null, metadata: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, name: Output<String>? = null, policies: Output<List<GoogleCloudHealthcareV1ConsentPolicyArgs>>? = null, project: Output<String>? = null, state: Output<ConsentState>? = null, ttl: Output<String>? = null, userId: Output<String>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): ConsentArgs


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val consentArtifact: Output<String>? = null

The resource name of the Consent artifact that contains proof of the end user's consent, of the form projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/consentStores/{consent_store_id}/consentArtifacts/{consent_artifact_id}.

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val consentStoreId: Output<String>? = null
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val datasetId: Output<String>? = null
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val expireTime: Output<String>? = null

Timestamp in UTC of when this Consent is considered expired.

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val location: Output<String>? = null
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val metadata: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null

Optional. User-supplied key-value pairs used to organize Consent resources. Metadata keys must: - be between 1 and 63 characters long - have a UTF-8 encoding of maximum 128 bytes - begin with a letter - consist of up to 63 characters including lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores, and dashes Metadata values must be: - be between 1 and 63 characters long - have a UTF-8 encoding of maximum 128 bytes - consist of up to 63 characters including lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores, and dashes No more than 64 metadata entries can be associated with a given consent.

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val name: Output<String>? = null

Resource name of the Consent, of the form projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/consentStores/{consent_store_id}/consents/{consent_id}. Cannot be changed after creation.

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Optional. Represents a user's consent in terms of the resources that can be accessed and under what conditions.

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val project: Output<String>? = null
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val state: Output<ConsentState>? = null

Indicates the current state of this Consent.

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val ttl: Output<String>? = null

Input only. The time to live for this Consent from when it is created.

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val userId: Output<String>? = null

User's UUID provided by the client.