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Gets the specified Attribute definition.

suspend fun getAttributeDefinition(attributeDefinitionId: String, consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetAttributeDefinitionResult
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Gets the specified revision of a Consent, or the latest revision if revision_id is not specified in the resource name.

suspend fun getConsent(argument: suspend GetConsentPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetConsentResult
suspend fun getConsent(consentId: String, consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetConsentResult
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Gets the specified Consent artifact.

suspend fun getConsentArtifact(consentArtifactId: String, consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetConsentArtifactResult
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Gets the specified consent store.

suspend fun getConsentStore(consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetConsentStoreResult
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Gets any metadata associated with a dataset.

suspend fun getDataset(argument: suspend GetDatasetPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetDatasetResult
suspend fun getDataset(datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetDatasetResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getDatasetConsentStoreIamPolicy(consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetDatasetConsentStoreIamPolicyResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getDatasetDicomStoreIamPolicy(datasetId: String, dicomStoreId: String, location: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetDatasetDicomStoreIamPolicyResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getDatasetFhirStoreIamPolicy(datasetId: String, fhirStoreId: String, location: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetDatasetFhirStoreIamPolicyResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getDatasetHl7V2StoreIamPolicy(datasetId: String, hl7V2StoreId: String, location: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetDatasetHl7V2StoreIamPolicyResult
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Gets the access control policy for a resource. Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.

suspend fun getDatasetIamPolicy(datasetId: String, location: String, optionsRequestedPolicyVersion: Int? = null, project: String? = null): GetDatasetIamPolicyResult
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Gets the specified DICOM store.

suspend fun getDicomStore(datasetId: String, dicomStoreId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetDicomStoreResult
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suspend fun getFhir(argument: GetFhirPlainArgs): GetFhirResult

Gets the contents of a FHIR resource. Implements the FHIR standard read interaction (DSTU2, STU3, R4). Also supports the FHIR standard conditional read interaction (DSTU2, STU3, R4) specified by supplying an If-Modified-Since header with a date/time value or an If-None-Match header with an ETag value. On success, the response body contains a JSON-encoded representation of the resource. Errors generated by the FHIR store contain a JSON-encoded OperationOutcome resource describing the reason for the error. If the request cannot be mapped to a valid API method on a FHIR store, a generic GCP error might be returned instead. For samples that show how to call read, see Getting a FHIR resource.

suspend fun getFhir(argument: suspend GetFhirPlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetFhirResult
suspend fun getFhir(datasetId: String, fhirId: String, fhirId1: String, fhirStoreId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetFhirResult
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Gets the configuration of the specified FHIR store.

suspend fun getFhirStore(datasetId: String, fhirStoreId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetFhirStoreResult
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Gets the specified HL7v2 store.

suspend fun getHl7V2Store(datasetId: String, hl7V2StoreId: String, location: String, project: String? = null): GetHl7V2StoreResult
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Gets an HL7v2 message.

suspend fun getMessage(argument: suspend GetMessagePlainArgsBuilder.() -> Unit): GetMessageResult
suspend fun getMessage(datasetId: String, hl7V2StoreId: String, location: String, messageId: String, project: String? = null, view: String? = null): GetMessageResult
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Gets the specified User data mapping.

suspend fun getUserDataMapping(consentStoreId: String, datasetId: String, location: String, project: String? = null, userDataMappingId: String): GetUserDataMappingResult