
data class GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2MultiFactorAuthConfigArgs(val enabledProviders: Output<List<GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2MultiFactorAuthConfigEnabledProvidersItem>>? = null, val providerConfigs: Output<List<GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2ProviderConfigArgs>>? = null, val state: Output<GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2MultiFactorAuthConfigState>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2MultiFactorAuthConfigArgs>

Options related to MultiFactor Authentication for the project.



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open override fun toJava(): GoogleCloudIdentitytoolkitAdminV2MultiFactorAuthConfigArgs


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A list of usable second factors for this project.

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A list of usable second factors for this project along with their configurations. This field does not support phone based MFA, for that use the 'enabled_providers' field.

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Whether MultiFactor Authentication has been enabled for this project.