Enterprise Crm Eventbus Proto Log Settings Response
data class EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoLogSettingsResponse(val logFieldName: String, val sanitizeOptions: EnterpriseCrmLoggingGwsSanitizeOptionsResponse, val seedPeriod: String, val seedScope: String, val shorteningLimits: EnterpriseCrmLoggingGwsFieldLimitsResponse)
The LogSettings define the logging attributes for an event property. These attributes are used to map the property to the parameter in the log proto. Also used to define scrubbing/truncation behavior and PII information.
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fun EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoLogSettingsResponse(logFieldName: String, sanitizeOptions: EnterpriseCrmLoggingGwsSanitizeOptionsResponse, seedPeriod: String, seedScope: String, shorteningLimits: EnterpriseCrmLoggingGwsFieldLimitsResponse)