
data class EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskAlertConfigResponse(val aggregationPeriod: String, val alertDisabled: Boolean, val alertName: String, val clientId: String, val durationThresholdMs: String, val errorEnumList: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigErrorEnumListResponse, val metricType: String, val numAggregationPeriods: Int, val onlyFinalAttempt: Boolean, val playbookUrl: String, val thresholdType: String, val thresholdValue: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigThresholdValueResponse, val warningEnumList: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigErrorEnumListResponse)

Message to be used to configure alerting in the {@code TaskConfig} protos for tasks in an event.


fun EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskAlertConfigResponse(aggregationPeriod: String, alertDisabled: Boolean, alertName: String, clientId: String, durationThresholdMs: String, errorEnumList: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigErrorEnumListResponse, metricType: String, numAggregationPeriods: Int, onlyFinalAttempt: Boolean, playbookUrl: String, thresholdType: String, thresholdValue: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigThresholdValueResponse, warningEnumList: EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigErrorEnumListResponse)


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The period over which the metric value should be aggregated and evaluated. Format is , where integer should be a positive integer and unit should be one of (s,m,h,d,w) meaning (second, minute, hour, day, week).

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Set to false by default. When set to true, the metrics are not aggregated or pushed to Monarch for this workflow alert.

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A name to identify this alert. This will be displayed in the alert subject. If set, this name should be unique in within the scope of the containing workflow.

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Client associated with this alert configuration. Must be a client enabled in one of the containing workflow's triggers.

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Should be specified only for TASK_AVERAGE_DURATION and TASK_PERCENTILE_DURATION metrics. This member should be used to specify what duration value the metrics should exceed for the alert to trigger.

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For how many contiguous aggregation periods should the expected min or max be violated for the alert to be fired.

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Only count final task attempts, not retries.

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Link to a playbook for resolving the issue that triggered this alert.

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The threshold type for which this alert is being configured. If value falls below expected_min or exceeds expected_max, an alert will be fired.

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The metric value, above or below which the alert should be triggered.