
data class CompensationRangeArgs(val maxCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null, val minCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<CompensationRangeArgs>

Compensation range.


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fun CompensationRangeArgs(maxCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null, minCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null)


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open override fun toJava(): CompensationRangeArgs


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val maxCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null

The maximum amount of compensation. If left empty, the value is set to a maximal compensation value and the currency code is set to match the currency code of min_compensation.

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val minCompensation: Output<MoneyArgs>? = null

The minimum amount of compensation. If left empty, the value is set to zero and the currency code is set to match the currency code of max_compensation.