Google Cloud Ml V1_Automated Stopping Config_Median Automated Stopping Config Args
data class GoogleCloudMlV1_AutomatedStoppingConfig_MedianAutomatedStoppingConfigArgs(val useElapsedTime: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudMlV1_AutomatedStoppingConfig_MedianAutomatedStoppingConfigArgs>
The median automated stopping rule stops a pending trial if the trial's best objective_value is strictly below the median 'performance' of all completed trials reported up to the trial's last measurement. Currently, 'performance' refers to the running average of the objective values reported by the trial in each measurement.
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fun GoogleCloudMlV1_AutomatedStoppingConfig_MedianAutomatedStoppingConfigArgs(useElapsedTime: Output<Boolean>? = null)