
@JvmName(name = "qboclhjrutadxyow")
suspend fun masterConfig(value: Output<GoogleCloudMlV1__ReplicaConfigArgs>)
@JvmName(name = "xbyvqowcpfexuhyv")
suspend fun masterConfig(value: GoogleCloudMlV1__ReplicaConfigArgs?)



Optional. The configuration for your master worker. You should only set masterConfig.acceleratorConfig if masterType is set to a Compute Engine machine type. Learn about /ai-platform/training/docs/using-gpus#compute-engine-machine-types-with-gpu Set masterConfig&#46;imageUri only if you build a custom image. Only one of masterConfig&#46;imageUri and runtimeVersion should be set. Learn more about /ai-platform/training/docs/distributed-training-containers.

@JvmName(name = "wihkpkrlylwlkmfq")
suspend fun masterConfig(argument: suspend GoogleCloudMlV1__ReplicaConfigArgsBuilder.() -> Unit)



Optional. The configuration for your master worker. You should only set masterConfig.acceleratorConfig if masterType is set to a Compute Engine machine type. Learn about /ai-platform/training/docs/using-gpus#compute-engine-machine-types-with-gpu Set masterConfig&#46;imageUri only if you build a custom image. Only one of masterConfig&#46;imageUri and runtimeVersion should be set. Learn more about /ai-platform/training/docs/distributed-training-containers.